Public profile - Michael Tiltman - Oscoda County Buy, Sell, Trade


Phoenix Games is currently a board and card game retail store that offers the ability to come in and play games at our little shop.
I understand what most of you are thinking right now, board games, you mean bored games. They're so lame. I disagree. Within the last 5 years or so board games have severely increased in entertainment value.
We also sell and host Magic the Gathering. For those who do not know this game yet it is a collectable card game with quite an exciting back story and exciting game play mechanics. We host tournaments on Fridays. Modern format and standard drafts seem to be the biggest request so far.
Modern tournament entry is 5.00, a three pack draft entry is 15.00, and a six pack draft entry is 26.00.
Drafts cost so much because you are basically buying either three or six booster packs of cards and playing for free.

Address Mio 48647, Oscoda County, Michigan, 115 w. Eighth st., Mio

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Phoenix Games

Games  Mio 48647, Oscoda County, Michigan

Board Games, Card Games, Magic the Gathering! Entertainment in a box! Phoenix Games

Games  Mio 48647, Oscoda County, Michigan